Tool to Estimate Emission Register data

EstimatER setup version 1.0 from 12.03.2001 (1.643 MB)
A family of process specific expert systems, that contain all necessary information on emission factors and emission estimation methods needed to make a quality assured and quality controlled estimate for all relevant emissions.

EstimatER user guide from 14.03.2001 (238 KB)

EstimatER setup

EstimatER.exe (executable task), EstimatER_man.html (online help), Readme.txt (installation and version notes), CRF_V1_01.xls template file for CRF report, EB_to_CRF.xlt template file for energy balance data import, agriculture.elf knowledge library file for agriculture model, reference_approach.elf knowledge library file for reference approach model, agriculture.crf file containing CRF transfer rules for agriculture, reference_approach.elf file containing CRF transfer rules for reference approach, and the ".\Datafiles" directory where the energy balance tables for the EU countries year 1998 are stored.

EstimatER users guide

Detailed description of the backgrounds, installation and usage of the software tool.

EstimatER úvod

The EstimatER's are a family of process specific expert systems, that contain all necessary information on emission factors and emission estimation methods needed to make a quality assured and quality controlled estimate for all relevant emissions. The basic idea of the EstimatERs is to develop a generic tool, which uses source specific libraries as the source of knowledge on emission estimation methods. The difference between EstimatERs for different sources than only is that such EstimatERs use different libraries. In EstimatER this knowledge is derived from available emission estimation methods in the UNECE / CORINAIR Guidebook and the 1996 IPCC revised Guidelines. These references provide the algorithms and default values for both emission factors and, if necessary, other parameters in the estimation algorithms. In addition default activity rates are needed. The application is designed such that it could run in two distinct modes:

  1. The definition mode: the user can drag and drop sectors, sub-sectors or even individual processes into his country's emissions inventory, thus defining the sector under study
  2. The calculation mode: the application presents the user with the emission estimates and quality indicators, showing in detail how the estimate has been made ad allows the user to change input variables (activity rates) and parameters (emission factors etc.) in order to improve the estimates.
